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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Apr. 26, 1788

Friday, Apr. 25, 1788

1:00 pm Strong Gales and a high breaking Sea and Open Cloudy Weather.

8:00 pmSqually with Hail.

Saturday, Apr. 26, 1788

12:00 am Fresh Gales and fair Weather set the Main Sail.

4:00 am Fresh Gales and very hazy.

6:00 am Out 2nd Reefs and Reefs of the Courses.

8:00 am Ditto Weather and a Moderate Sea and the Sun out at times. Got all the invalids on Deck and Cleaned & dryed below with Fires.

11:00 am Served a Pint of Sweet Wort to each Man.

12:00 pm Fresh Gale and very heavy Weather. Many Birds about us all the day. Sea Weed and Whales with two Blow holes at the back of the Head.

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