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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Mar. 31, 1788

Sunday, Mar. 30, 1788

1:00 pm Moderate Gale and Cloudy Weather with a high Sea from the WNW.

3:00 pmUnbent the Main Topmast Staysail to repair.

5:00 pmBent the Main Topmast Staysail.

7:00 pmSqually and blowing Strong. Close Reefed the Fore & Main Topsails & Handed Mizen Topsail.

Monday, Mar. 31, 1788

12:00 am Moderate Gale and clear Night. Out 4th Reef Main Topsail.

5:00 am Out 3rd Reefs.

6:00 am Out 2nd Reefs.

7:00 am Fresh Gales with Sleet and Rain. In close Reefs.

9:00 am The Sea from the WNW so very heavy that we can ony dare to carry Close Reefed Topsails and Courses.

12:00 pm Fresh Gale & Sleet and Rain with a very high confused Sea.

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