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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Apr. 1, 1788

Monday, Mar. 31, 1788

1:00 pm A fresh Gale and thick Rain.

2:00 pm More Moderate out 3rd & 2nd reef Main Topsail.

6:00 pm As the Wind came round we began to have very hard Snow Squalls, and at this time it was as much as we could do to bring the Ship under the Fore & Main Staysail. It blew a Storm of Wind and the Snow fell so heavy that it was scarce possible to haul the sails up and furl them from the Weight and Stiffness.

8:00 pm By 8 O'Clock we set the Reefed Foresail and every Man received a Dram. I ordered two people from each Watch to attend to dry Cloaths for which purpose a Fire is kept in all Night.

Tuesday, Apr. 1, 1788

12:00 am Towards Midnight it was Moderate and Clear Weather when we were able to set the Main Sail and close reefed Topsails.

4:00 am As the Day advanced the Wind backed round to the Westward and NW and became thick and Rainy and by 9 O'Clock encreased to a Strong Gale which kept me under a Close Reefed Main Topsail and Course.

12:00 pm Strong Gale and a high Sea with thick Rainy Weather. Some Albatrosses and Peterels. I now consider myself to be only 1°17′E of the West part of Terra del Fuego. The Islands of Direction at the Entrance of Streights Magellan bearing N7W 113 Leagues.

Remarks at Noon: True latitude this day as Corrected 58°53′S.

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