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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Mar. 30, 1788

Saturday, Mar. 29, 1788

1:00 pm Strong Gale with Squalls and Rain and a very high Sea. In Fore Topsail.

6:00 pm Fair Weather set Fore & Mizen Topsail.

8:00 pm More Moderate 3rd & 4th Reefs.

Sunday, Mar. 30, 1788

1:00 amSqually with Sleet.

4:00 am Very severe Squalls and a hard Gale.

5:00 amHanded the Topsails.

8:00 am Strong Gale and fair Weather.

9:00 am More Moderate set the Topsails and Cleaned and dryed below.

10:00 am A few Blue Peterels about the Ship.

12:00 pm Moderate Gale but a very high Sea, Out 3 & 4th Reefs.
The Longitude by the Time Keeper was taken with much difficulty the Sea being so high but as I took a great many Sights I beleive it pretty exact.

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