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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Mar. 29, 1788

Friday, Mar. 28, 1788

1:00 pm Moderate Winds and thick Misty Weather but the Sea running very high from the SW.

8:00 pm Wind freshening double Reefed the Main Topsail & Close Reefed the Fore and handed Mizen Topsail.

10:00 pm Close Reefed the Main Topsail.

Saturday, Mar. 29, 1788

12:00 am A Strong Gale & Rain with a heavy Sea and continued so with heavy Squalls all the remainder of these 24 Hours.

4:00 am Towards Noon I got some tolerable Altitudes to determine my Latitude but we had no longer the benefit of the Sun.

7:00 am We are obliged to be battened down fore and Aft the Sea frequently breaking over us, however we keep tolerably dry below.

9:00 am I do not Wonder at Lord Ansons Account of the High Sea, for it exceeds any I have seen, and to be here in a laboursome Ship must be an Unhappy Situation.

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