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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Mar. 28, 1788

Thursday, Mar. 27, 1788

1:00 pm Strong Gales and fair Weatherr with a high Sea from the SW.

8:00 pmSqually.

10:00 pmHanded the Fore Topsail the Ship falling too heavy into the Sea. Hauled the Main Sails up & kept on under 4 Reefs in the Main Topsail and Foresail.

Friday, Mar. 28, 1788

1:00 am I determined to Stand to the Southward as long as I could lay SEBS.

4:00 am Weather more Moderate set the Mainsail & Fore Topsail and out 4th Reefs.

8:00 am Light Winds & an exceedingly high Sea from the SW. It is beginning now to be cold and the Weather damp I ordered the People to have Wheat served every day with Sugar & Butter to enable them to have a comfortable hot breakfast, and bear fatigue.

12:00 pm Very thick Rainy Weather and a damp cold Air. The SW Sea still running very high, and as the Wind lessens runs higher. It would not be possible for a laboursome Ship to keep her Masts. Some dark brown Albatrosses & Mother Careys Chickens seen. Under Single Reefs.

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