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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Mar. 27, 1788

Wednesday, Mar. 26, 1788

1:00 pm Fresh Breezes and thick hazy Weather.

4:00 pm Cloudy Weather carrying all possible Sail.

6:00 pm Wind and Sea encreasing, blowing a Strong Gale obliged to double Reef.

8:00 pm Very Squally with Rain and a heavy Sea and at 9 it blew very hard. Handed the topsails and all Sails but the Main Sail and Fore Sail being determined to keep my Westing if Possible.

Thursday, Mar. 27, 1788

4:00 am A Continuance of the Gale & High Sea, with heavy Squalls of Wind & Rain.

7:00 am It Moderating, set the Main Topsail Close reefed.

9:00 am Set the Close Reefed Fore Topsail.

10:00 am Open Cloudy Weather with Squalls and a Strong Gale. It was with much difficulty I could make Observation for ye Time Keeper dot & ☽ in distance but cannot observe it.

12:00 pm Strong Gale and carrying Courses and Close Reefed Topsails to make the most of this foul Wind. The Sea exceedingly High. Some Albatrosses seen.

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