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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Mar. 12, 1788

Tuesday, Mar. 11, 1788

1:00 pm Moderate & very Cloudy Weather. Many Porpoises and whales about. The kind we constantly see have two Spouts at the back of the head.

4:00 pm Exercised Small Arms

6:00 pm55 fathoms soft oozey ground as before scarce any brought up by the lead.

8:00 pm Light Airs & Calms

Wednesday, Mar. 12, 1788

12:00 am60 fathoms Soundings as before

3:00 am Caught a Shark

4:00 am Light Airs. Set Top Mast Top Gallant and lower Steering Sails.

8:00 am Fine Weather and Smooth water.

9:00 am Overhauled all the Rigging, Greased the Topmasts & employed in the Hold getting water to hand.

12:00 pm50 fathoms. Very fine Weather. Many Albatrosses Sheerwaters, Mother Careys Chickens & Port Egmont Hens sitting on the water as far as we can see & other small Sea Birds, but have not seen one Pintada Bird. Many Whales.

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