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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Mar. 11, 1788

Monday, Mar. 10, 1788

1:00 pm Moderate and Cloudy Weather.

2:00 pm Thick Fog.

3:00 pm No Ground at 160 fathoms. Weather Cleared from Fog.

4:00 pm A moist and cold air and little Wind. Hoisted out the Boat to pick up an Albatross that was shot. It measured from the tip of one Wing to the Other 6 feet 8 inches and from the Tip of the Bill to end of the feet 2 feet 9 inches.

10:00 pmSqually.

Tuesday, Mar. 11, 1788

3:00 am In 1st Reefs

5:00 am In 2nd Reefs Fore Topsail

8:00 am55 fathoms Oozy bottom of a Greenish Colour scarce any to be brought up with the lead.

10:00 am Cleaned below: and Served Slops & Tobacco to the People. Many Whales about of an immense size & two spout holes on the back of them.

12:00 pm Very Cloudy Weather. Swell from the SW. Few Birds. Got a tolerable good Observation. 54 fathoms Soundings as before.

Remarks: No other Altitudes of the Sun could be got for ye Longitude otherwise very good.

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