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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Mar. 10, 1788

Sunday, Mar. 9, 1788

1:00 pm Very fine pleasant Weathe but very hazy. Untll this afternoon I had hopes I could have performed the Voyage without punishment to any One, but I found it necessary to punish Mathew Quintal with 2 dozen lashes for Insolence and Contempt.

6:00 pm Sounded with 160 fathoms Streight line but found no Bottom.

8:00 pm Fine Night all Steering Sails set. A heavy Dew and faint Lightning in the SW.

Monday, Mar. 10, 1788

12:00 am A very heavy Dew & Lightning. In Top Gallant Steering Sails.

4:00 am Some Thunder. Cloudy inclinable to a Fog.

6:00 amSqually In Steering Sails.

8:00 am Foggy round the horizon and the banks appearing very much like land.

9:00 am Many Albatrosses Sheerwaters & Port Egmont Hens about.

10:00 am
Sounded 83 fathoms oozy bottom. scarce any to be brought up by the Lead.

12:00 pm Moderate & Cloudy Weatherr. no Observation.

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