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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Mar. 13, 1788

Wednesday, Mar. 12, 1788

1:00 pm Moderate & fine Weather. Caught a Porpoise by Strik'g it with the Grains. All of it was cut up for the People to eat.

8:00 pm Lightning in the SW

10:00 pm Ditto & Thunder and heavy Clouds rising. In Steering Sails.

Thursday, Mar. 13, 1788

12:00 am48 fathoms oozey Ground as before. In 1st Reefs

2:00 am48 fathoms.

6:00 am Out 1st Reefs

8:00 am Fair Weather.

9:00 am Employed cleaning below & knotting yarns

12:00 pm56 fms. Soundings as before. Fine Clear Weather. Some Albatrosses & Mother Careys Chickens about.

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