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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Mar. 1, 1788

Friday, Feb. 29, 1788

1:00 pm Fine pleasant Weather.

8:00 pm Fine Night and Smooth water

10:00 pm Note. As I have not been able to make more than two days observation of the Sun & Moon I carry on the Lunar & Time Keeper as before; however they serve to show me I cannot be much Out.

Saturday, Mar. 1, 1788

3:00 am Several Whales near the Ship.

6:00 am Several Whales about

8:00 am Employed all the morning cleaning below and other necessary duties.

12:00 pm Very fine pleasant Weather but little Wind. Only a Port Egmont Hen seen & a few fish to day. Steering Sails and all set.

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