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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Feb. 29, 1788

Thursday, Feb. 28, 1788

1:00 pm Light Airs and fair Weatherr.

2:00 pm Cloudy Unbent the Fore Topsail and bent a like one after dipping it in the Water

4:00 pm Fair Weather. All Sails set.

7:00 pm Note.
  As the only way to discover by the Timekeeper if a Current sets either to the Eastward or Westward is by comparing it with the X Longitude made by Log, that X Longitude should be equal to the departure found without correction, and not that found after correcting the Latitude. The X Longitude from day to day by the Dead Reckoning in the detached Column will therefore be what the Courses & distances give with the allowance of leeway & variation. The difference between these and the Timekeepers Difference Longitude & the error in Latitude will always shew the set of the Current.

Friday, Feb. 29, 1788

5:00 am [Winds: Calm} and fine Weather.

9:00 am Unstocked the Sheat Anchor & got it on board. Unbent the Foresail & bent a new one after dipping it in the Sea. Began to repair the unbent sails before they are put by for good.

12:00 pm Fine pleasant Weather saw some Bonitos

Remarks at Noon: Thermometer in Air 78°

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