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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Feb. 19, 1788

Monday, Feb. 18, 1788

1:00 pm Moderate Breezes and fine pleasant Weather.

5:00 pm Employed at the Pumps putting water into One & pumping out of the other to prevent bad Smells.

10:00 pm Note.–The Birds called Sheerwaters (from their skimming along the water) are about the size of a Jack Daw. Their plumage is of a dark Brown except from the breast to the beginning of the Tail feathers where it is perfectly white, their Bill is rather small and black, and are seldom more than one or two together but in Windy Weather.

Tuesday, Feb. 19, 1788

8:00 am Employed washing & Cleaning & making Points for a set of new Courses.

12:00 pm Very fine Weather a few dark brown small Sheerwaters about. All Sails set.

Remarks at Noon: Thermometer in Air 81½°

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