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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Feb. 20, 1788

Tuesday, Feb. 19, 1788

1:00 pm Fine pleasant Weather.

3:00 pm Completed a New Foresail & Main Sail with Points & Ropebands &c.;

11:00 pm Light Squalls and some small Rain

Wednesday, Feb. 20, 1788

12:00 am Moderate and fair.

3:00 am Fresh Breezes lulling & freshening at times

6:00 am Some [?] Squalls and Rain

9:00 am This morning got all the Cables on Deck and Scrubbed and washed every part below.

12:00 pm Moderate Breezes and Fine pleasant Weather. I steered a point more to the westward to get nearer the Coast before I get out of the Trades. All Sails set.

Remarks at Noon: Thermometer 81½°

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