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Revised May 20 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Dec. 31, 1787

Sunday, Dec. 30, 1787

1:00 pm Light Breezes and Fair Weather.

2:00 pm In Steering Sails and trimmed to the Wind. Employed picking & drying Bread, Beding & Cloaths.

8:00 pm Ditto Weather.

Monday, Dec. 31, 1787

12:00 am Moderate & Cloudy.

7:00 am Employed all the Morning about the Bread. In the Hold to get Plank up to repair the Boats. Cleaning below & Serviceing the Rigging. Found Missing 4 Breakers Washed Overboard in the late Gale. Opened a Puncheon of Pork No. 559 Contents 160 four pound peices Short four peices. A Puncheon of Beef No. 1305 Contents (short three peices) 86 Eight pound peices. At Noon Cloudy Weather but got Double Altitudes for the Latitude.

Remarks at Noon: Thermometer on Deck 64°

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