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Revised May 20 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Dec. 30, 1787

Saturday, Dec. 29, 1787

1:00 pm Moderate and Cloudy Weather which prevented our Wet things drying expeditiously, or doing much good to our damaged Bread, but I got the Cloaths dryed by the fire.

5:00 pm Set Main Topmast Steering Sail.

9:00 pm In Main Topmast Steering Sail.

11:00 pmSqually. In Lower & Fore Topmast Ditto.

Sunday, Dec. 30, 1787

12:00 am Moderate and Cloudy.

2:00 am Set Fore Topmast Steering Sail & Lower Ditto.

4:00 am Light Breezes and Clear Weather.

7:00 am Fair Weather up all Hammocks beding & Cloaths. Cleaned below & opened all Hatches & Scuttles. Got the Boats out on Skids to repair. After Breakfast got the Bread up again that had got Wet, and to our Mortification found a great quantity more, wet with Salt Water. Employed all hands Picking and airing it to endeavor to save all we can, & the Carpenters began about the Boats. At Noon light Airs & fair Weather.

Remarks at Noon: Thermometer on Deck 65°

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