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Revised May 20 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Dec. 29, 1787

Friday, Dec. 28, 1787

1:00 pm A very Fresh Gale & Dark Cloudy weather but sea not so high.

3:00 pm Out 3rd Reef Main Topsail. Got some Bread up to endeavor to save it but could do but little good.

8:00 pm The Sea much lower & a Moderate Gale. Up Main Top Gallant Mast.

11:00 pm Out 2nd Reef Main Topsail & Set Main Topsail.

Saturday, Dec. 29, 1787

2:00 amSwayed the fore Yard up & Out Reef. Up Fore Top Gallant Mast & out 3rd Reef Fore Topsail.

5:00 am Moderate Gale and Cloudy.

6:00 am Out all Reefs, Up Top Gallant Yards & set the sails.

8:00 am Set Lower & Fore Topmast Steerg Sails, Fair Weather. Got all Wet Cloaths & bedding up. Cleaned & dryed below. As soon as this was done I ordered Hot Water to be got ready & every Man Washed his dirty Linnen & all hung up to dry by Noon, having a Fresh Breeze & fair Weather. Airing the Damaged Bread. Saw a Ship in the WNW on a Wind.

Remarks at Noon: Thermometer on Deck 59°.

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