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Revised May 20 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Dec. 28, 1787

Thursday, Dec. 27, 1787

1:00 pm The Gale not quite so violent or the squalls so often, which by Two O'Clock gave me an Opportunity to bring too under the Mizen Staysail, & handed the Foresail, Examined the Spirit & Fish Room which had much Water in them which was bailed out but much Damage done.

5:00 pm Set the Main Staysail. A Sea carried away the larboard Bumpkin and Iron Braces.

8:00 pm No further Alteration in the Weather but the Ships lies too very well.

Friday, Dec. 28, 1787

12:00 am Ditto Weather.

8:00 am The Gale Moderating. At 10 Set the Foresail reefed and the Sea getting down a little we bore away and by Noon had triple Reefed Topsails set, but the Gale still Strong and Thick Rainy Weather. Found much damage done to the Bread & Spirits in the Spirit Room & Fish Room. Two Casks Rum Stove.


As soon as we hove too we could light a fire, & I ordered two men from each Watch to attend and dry all wet things, which by Midnight was tolerably accomplished with respect to Wearing Apparel. Began to examine our Spirit Room & Fish Room where we had Bread stowed Over the Spirits. A great quantity of Water having got down into the Cockpit, the bread ws unavoidably much hurt, & some of the Casks having fetched way & the Head of One of them from Catching a Billet of Wood broke in the Chime & the liquor all run out, and another from being bilged was in the same State.

The damage done to the Boats (which altho very well lashed, unless the greatest exertions to the risk of our lives had been used would have been Washed Overboard) was no more than the hood ends of the large Cutter being burst asunder and the upper Strake of each of them, and the Launch's broke down by the lashings; but nothing this day could be done to remedy these defects.

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