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Revised Jun 5 2021

Court-Martial of William Purcell
on Charges brought by William Bligh, Oct 22, 1790
John Fryer Testimony

Mr John Fryer the Master of the Bounty called in and sworn.

The Court asked.

Q. Did you ever hear the Prisoner insolent or impertinent to Lieutenant Bligh in any manner whatsoever?

Aug 23, 1788

A. I have heard him frequently when Lieutenant Bligh and the Prisoner have had Words sometimes drop improper Words. On the 23rd August 1788 Mr Purcell was sent on board by Lieutenant Bligh and the Orders I received of Mr Haywood was to turn Mr Purcell to the Tackle fall to hoist in Water, and strike[?] it down, which Orders he complied with on his first coming on board, just as Lieutenant Bligh came on board himself. Mr Purcell had broke off from the Tackle fall and had gone down below, Mr Bligh asked me on his coming on the Gangway where the Carpenter was, I told him that he had just broke off from the Tackle fall and had gone down. Lieutenant Bligh ordered me to send for him to come to the fall again. When he came upon Deck he told me that he could not think of going to the fall as it was not his Duty but any thing in his own Line he would do with a great deal of Pleasure. I immediately went down to acquaint Lieutenant Bligh that the Carpenter had refused hoisting as the Tackle fall. Lieutenant came up himself and ordered him to the Tackle fall, he told Lieutenant Bligh he could not think of doing it as it was not his Duty as he had told me before. After some Words had passed between Lieutenant Bligh and him, Lieutenant Bligh told him that if he did not Work, he should not eat, he said he did not refuse working in his own Line. He likewise said that if he was ordered to the Tackle fall as a Punishment, he certainly would do it and came to the Tackle fall.

Q. Did you understand that the Carpenter was ordered to the Tackle fall as a Punishment?

A. I really cant say whether it was as a Punishment or not but as they had had Words, I understood on shore, I thought it was meant to be a Punishment.

Q. Did the Boatswain and Gunner ordinarily work at the Tackle fall?

A. Yes every body on board. I did myself occasionally.

The Prisoner asked.

Q. Do you recollect that when Lieutenant Bligh ordered me to the Tackle fall that I told him that I had a Piece of Cant to fit under the Whale [wale] of the Larboard Bow before the Ship was brought down in the Water?

A. Yes, he said there was some thing of that to be done but I told him myself that nothing could be done of that sort till Captain Bligh came on board himself, and when Lieutenant Bligh came on board, and ordered him to the Tackle fall, he then refused it as before.

The Court asked.

Q. Did you hear the Prisoner propose to Captain Bligh the fixing the Cant to the Bow?

A. No.

Q. Did the Prisoner generally during the Voyage perform his Duty as the Carpenter of the Ship in a becoming Manner?

A. Yes, to the best of my Knowledge except in the instances I have mentioned he always obeyed my Commands except in those instances.

Q. Was he very much employed in caulking the Ship during the Voyage?

A. Yes he caulked her at the Cape of Good Hope and at Otaheite.

Q. Did he appear to exert himself in those Duties?

A. In every respect to the best of my Knowledge.

The Prisoner being called on for his Defence requested the Indulgance [sic] of a Quarter of an Hour's Time to prepare himself which being granted the Court was cleared.

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