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Revised Jun 5 2021

Court-Martial of William Purcell
on Charges brought by William Bligh, Oct 22, 1790
William Purcell Defense and Conclusion

The Court being again opened.

Mr Peckover the Carpenter* of the Bounty was called in and sworn.

*[Court reporter's error, Mr Peckover was the Gunner.]

The Prisoner asked.

Q. Did you ever hear me deny cutting Wood at Adventure Bay?

A. I was along with Mr Bligh when he went up to the Wooding Party. Mr Bligh asked the Carpenter if he had brought the Iron Wedges on shore. The Carpenter made answer that he had forgot them but that he could split as much Wood with wooden Wedges as other People might with Iron ones. He told Mr Bligh that he thought he came on shore for nothing but to find fault, then I walked away from the Party. In about 8 or 10 minutes Mr Bligh called to Mr Haywood to take the Carpenter on board then I turned round and saw the Carpenter going down to the Boat. He asked Mr Bligh if he was to go to his Cabin. Mr Bligh made answer "to your Cabin I'll put a Rope about your Neck."

Q. Do you not recollect that two Men were sent ashore to wash after I was sent on board when I was ordered to the Tackle fall and the next Day?

A. They certainly were ashore but I cannot recollect the Days whether it was before or after.

Q. Do you not recollect that Captain Bligh threatened to blow my Brains out in Oparre Harbour the Morning we came out as I was casting an Hawser off by his Orders?

A. I recollect something of the Circumstance but cannot be positive to what it was.

Q. Do you recollect when I refused the Captain the Chalk that I told him I should want it for refitting the Boat or some other Purpose?

A. I cant say I recollect it, I was in the Room at the first of it but walked out directly.

Mr Fryer the Master being called in again.

The Prisoner asked.

Q. In running down from Restoration Island to Sunda[y] Island did you not tell me in the Boat that we were to divide into three Parties to collect Provisions and those that did not collect Provision to put in the Pot was to have none out of it?

A. That was agreed upon in the Boat before we went out in the Morning.

The Prisoner not having any thing more to offer in his Defence the Court was cleared and agreed That the Charges had been in Part proved against the said William Purcell and did adjudge him to be reprimanded.

The Court was again opened and Audience admitted and Sentence passed accordingly.

Mr Greetham Jun'r
Judge Advocate for the Time being

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