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Revised Jun 5 2021

Court-Martial of William Purcell
on Charges brought by William Bligh, Oct 22, 1790
Thomas Hayward Testimony

Mr Thomas Hayward a Midshipman belonging to the Bounty called in and sworn.

The Court asked.

Q. Did you ever hear the Prisoner insolent or impertinent to Lieutenant Bligh in any manner whatsoever?

A. Yes.

Q. Do you remember what way he was disrespectfull to him?

A. I heard him refuse to hoist when he was ordered to the Tackle fall at Adventure Bay by saying that it was not his Duty and any thing that was he would willingly comply with, upon which Captain Bligh called his Clerk and gave Orders that his Provisions should be stopped unless he went to the Tackle fall, the Prisoner then saw unless he had Provisions he could not live and therefore complied with the Order. I was present at Sunda[y] Island there was some altercation took Place between the Captain and the Carpenter and the Carpenter told the Captain that he was as good a Man as himself, the Captain said that he found that there was no End to it, and taking a Cutlass told the Prisoner to take another and defend himself which he declined.

The Court asked

Q. Were you at the Tackle fall at the time you mentioned the Carpenter refused?

A. No.

Q. Was the Clerk at the Tackle fall?

A. No.

Q. Did you usually work at the Tackle fall upon these Occasions and the Clerk too?

A. Yes I did. The Clerk not except at Sea he used to take hold of a Brace.

Q. Were the Boatswain and Gunner as frequently ordered to the Tackle fall as the Carpenter?

A. No I never heard them ordered to the Tackle fall.

Q. How many Persons were there on board the Ship at the Time the Carpenter was ordered to the Tackle fall?

A. There might be a dozen and I dont recollect exactly. I was myself down in the Cabin working some Observations that the Captain had taken just before.

Q. How were you employed when you heard the Captain order the Carpenter to the Tackle fall?

A. Just before, I was working the Observation but was called up to hear the Captain give that Order.

The Prosecutor asked

Q. What brought you on Deck?

A. I heard you call for every body and therefore proceeded on Deck immediately.

Q. Did you not directly hear the Master report to me that the Carpenter had disobeyed his Order?

A. Yes.

The Court asked.

Q. When you came up in Consequence of being called what was it to do?

A. To hear the Orders given to the Carpenter. One thing more I wish to mention, that I was present when the Carpenter refused to drink the Beverage.

The Prisoner asked.

Q. Did you recollect when Captain Bligh ordered me to the Tackle fall that, I told him, I had other Work of my own Duty to do, before the Ship was brought down in the Water?

A. I recollect something of that. I remember his saying he had some thing to do but I do not recollect what.

Q. Do you recollect that two Men were washing foul linen ashore for Captain Bligh and Mr Fryer the Master, the Time I was ordered to the Tackle fall?

A. I heard of it but dont know it positively I was on shore myself that Day.

The Witness withdrew

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