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Revised Sep 9, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jun 13-14, 1793

H M S Providence in Bluefields Bay Jamaica

Remarks &c

Thursday 13th First part fresh Gale and fair weather with haze – middle and latter parts light airs and calms and variable At 6 PM received a turn of water per Launch – Cleaned the Launch and hoisted her in – at 7 PM weighed the Kedge Anchor cleared the Decks &c – at 11 PM Calm – shortened in the Cable – at Day light made the Signal for sailing – cleaned below – Served fresh beef to the Ships company – At Noon calm & cloudy weather not able to go to Sea
Ships Draught Aft 16.00 Forward 14..10

Friday 14th At 4 PM Light airs and calms – not able to go to Sea – Shortened in the Cable as necessary – at Mid night calm and cloudy weather
At 4 AM Calm and dark cloudy weather, weighed the Kedge anchor – shortened in the Cable and loosed the fore topsail – Carpenters employed repairing the Large cutter which was stove in coming from black River – at 9 weighed and sent the boats a head to tow – at 11 came to again being calm in 4½ fathom sandy bottom – bearings the Tavern and Overseas house in one N50°East 3 or 4 Miles – Shipping in Savannah La Mar N70°W & the Dolphin Head N28°W Read the articles of War & punished George Thompson Seaman for contempt & Disobedience of orders with 22 Lashes

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