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Revised Sep 9, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jun 8-12, 1793

[H M Ship Providence Moored in Bluefields Bay] Jamaica 1793

Remarks &c

Saturday 8th First part moderate breeze and fair weather middle part light airs and calms and variable – latter part fresh breeze and hazy horizon – AM Received 285 pound fresh beef & served it to the Ships company – Up all Chests and Bags, & washed the Gun, Orlop and Cockpit decks – The Launch returned from black river – People employed mending their cloaths – served water cresses to the Ships Company

Sunday 9th First and latter parts fresh Gales and fair with haze middle part light airs calms & variable – PM people employed mending their cloaths – AM cleaned below – Served fresh beef and water cresses to the Ships company – received a turn of water per Launch Anchored here the Ship John of Scarborough from Savannah La Mar to join convoy

Monday 10th First part fresh breezes and fair weather – middle & latter moderate breezes and variable – PM anchored here H M S Proserpine from port Royal – Received a turn of water per Launch – AM cleaned below – received 234 pound fresh beef & served it to the Ships company & water cresses – at 10 loosed Sails to dry – received another turn of water per Launch – People employed stowing it away – Bent the Main Sail – gunners making wads at 11..20 furled Sails

Tuesday 11th First and latter parts fresh Gales and fair with haze – middle part light airs calms and variable PM Received a turn of water per Launch – AM Served fresh beef and water cresses to the Ships Company – got up all Chests and Bags, washed the Gun, Orlop & Cockpit decks – at 9 Anchored here H M Packet Antelope from Port Royal bound to England – Received water per small cutter – Gunner making wads &c – People & Carpenters employed occasionally

Wednesday 12th First and latter part fresh gales and fair weather – middle part light and variable – at 4 PM veered away & weighed the best bower and hove to ½ a Cable on the small Bower – Run the Kedge Anchor out to steady the Ship AM Received 287 pound fresh beef – Employed in the after hold – Made the Signal for sailing

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