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Revised Sep 9, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jun 15, 1793

H M Ship Providence from Bluefields Jamaica towards England – 1793

Remarks Saturday June 15th

 2 pm: At 2..30 weighed with a Light haze in Company with the Antelope Packet, Cleminson of Liverpool & Thomas of Bristol – at 4 Nigril by South N64°W St. Johns Point N56°W, Ships in Savannah La Mar NbE 5 or 6 Miles distant Dolphins Land North, Mount Edgecombe House E½N Eastern extremes of the Land in sight ESE

 5 pm: At 5 set steering Sails – Mustered the Ships Company at their Quarters – At 7 Nigril by South N5°W 6 or 7 Miles – Eastern Land in sight bearing East & the Center of Bluefields Mountains EbN, In steering Sails

12 mid: Light breeze and cloudy weather – Wore Ship, at ½ past 12 wore Ship – Lightning in the NW

 2 am: Light Airs inclining to Calm

 5 am: A Sail in sight to the Westward at Day light, Nigril by North, North Extremes N68East Nigril by South East. Southermost Extremes S80East off shore 8 or 9 Miles – at 8 bore up to speak the strange Sail; Extremes of the Land from EbN½N to EbS distant from the shore 11 or 12 Miles – Moderate breeze and fair weather with haze – at 10..30 hove too, hoisted out the small boat & sent her for the Master of the Rose of London – made sail & in boat – learnt from the Rose that she parted from the Assistant yesterday, who had a disabled Ship, the Rochampton under her protection – At Noon Light breezes and fair weather with haze – The Packet and other Ships in Company – Washed the Gun, Orlop, & Cockpit decks – Extremes of the Land from E½N to E¾S, distant off shore about 7 Leagues

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