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Revised Sep 9, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook May 3-6, 1793

H M S Providence Moored in Port Royal Harbour [Jamaica – 1793]

Remarks &c

May 1793

Friday 3d First part fresh breezes and cloudy – middle part fresh breezes with lightning in the NW – latter part heavy rain and lightning with fresh breezes and fair at times – PM sent Corporal Alexander Tayler to the Hospital – made the Fly and Spitfire Signal for Midshipmen – AM Received 126 pound of fresh Beef – People employed mending their cloaths – Read the articles of war & punished John Curry Seaman with 18 Lashes for drunkeness & neglect of duty – loosed sails to dry

Saturday 4th* Fresh Gales and hazy throughout – PM entered 1 volunteer – arrived here a french sloop prize to the Marlborough Sloop – AM Received fresh beef Carpenters and Sailmakers necessarily employed Arrived a sloop and schooner – prizes to the Hyana – made the Signal to the Pen – & a Signal for a Messenger – discharged 15 Supernumeraries into H.M.S. Europa – made the Signal for weekly accounts
* This day is properly the 3d & vice versa

Sunday 5th First and middle parts fresh Gales with heavy showers of rain & Lightning – latter part gh breezes and hazy – at 1 PM furled Sails a heavy shower coming on – AM Sailed H M. S. Fly & Spitfire schooners on a cruize – at 6 loosed Sails to dry – cleaned below & dried with fires – mustered in divisions – at 11 Am furled Sails Received fresh Beef

Monday 6th First part fresh breezes and cloudy weather – middle part Squally with thunder & Lightning & very heavy rain – Latter part calm & squally with Rain – PM part of the Ships company on shore with leave – Arrived a Schooner prize to the Hyana made Signal to Penn – AM at Day light Sailed H M S. Europa on a Cruize – Received fresh beef – Cleaned below and aired with fires – loosed and furled Sails between the Showers – at 9 arrived H M Ship Hyana with an English Guinea that she retook and four gun French Privateer schooner that captured the Guinea Man – 275 Slaves on board – and alos a french prize sloop – made Signal to the Penn – received two Supernumeraries belonging to the Penelope from one of her prizes

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