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Revised Sep 9, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Apr 30-May 2, 1793

[H M Ship Providence Moored in Port Royal] Harbour Jamaica – 1793


Tuesday 30th First part fresh breezes and dark cloudy weather middle part light airs and fair weather – latter part fresh breezes and hazy weather – PM arrived H M Squall Europa from a cruize – Carpenters, Gunners, & People as yesterday – Up all Chests &c &c and washed all the decks – at 10 H M. Schooner Spitfire saluted with 13 Guns – returned 11 – The Spitfire brought in two Sloops, & two Schooners, Prizes – Made Signal to the Pen – Received 126 pound of fresh beef – Exercised the Marines at small Arms – Entered one Manm volunteer


Wednesday 1st Light airs and fair weather all these 24 hours – PM arrived H M S Fly from a cruize; made Signal for a Kittereen – AM Sailmaker employed occasionally – Carpenters employed at the Yard – Gunners fixing [sponges?] – received 132 pound of fresh Beef – Exercised marines & Seamen at small Arms

Thursday 2d First and latter part fresh Gales & hazy weather middle part light airs and calms – AM Sailmakers and carpenters employed occasionally – received fresh beef – Exercised great Guns & small Arms – Entered one Volunteer – discharged the four men belonging to the L'Esperanza into the Mary [?] Anne Prison Ship

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