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Revised Sep 9, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook May 7-9, 1793

[H M S Providence Moored in Port Royal Harbour] Jamaica – 1793

Remarks &c

Tuesday 7th First and latter parts fresh breezes and hazy fair at times – middle part moderate & cloudy – AM Sent a Partie of Men on board Schooner L'Esparanza to fit her out as a Tender – Carpenters Sailmakers &c &c employed on board her – loosed Sails to dry – Up Chests and washed all the decks – Exercised marines at Small Arms – received 26 pound fresh beef

Wednesday 8th First part fresh breezes and fair weather middle & latter part moderate and cloudy – PM received a turn of water per Assistants Launch – [Ancosa?] schooner with dispatches from Barbadoes unbent the Staysails & Topsails – AM Sailmakers Carpenters & Ships company employed fitting out the Tender (called the Resource) Received 139 pound fresh beef – Opened a Cask of Beef No 1573 contents 66 double pieces – and a Cask of pork No 7 contents 125 double pieces – Received a turn of water per Assistants Launch – sent the small cutter to Kingston to enter Men

Thursday 9th First and latter part moderate breezes and fair weather middle part light airs & cloudy – PM answered the Penn Signal for a Midshipman – AM Sent the Yard schooner for a turn of water – Sailmakers, Carpenters, & Ships Company employed fitting out the Tender – Arrived H M Squall. Proserpine with a schooner Prize – Arrived also the Tyger Privateer – Made the Signal for a Kittereen

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