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Revised Sep 9, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Mar 15-21, 1793

H M S Providence – Moored in Port Royal Harbour [Jamaica – 1793]

Remarks &c

March 1793

Friday 15th Fresh Gales and fair weather all these 24 Hours – Sailmakers employed at the Yard repairing Sail – People scraping the Quick work & blackening the Masts, Yards & bends as well as tarring the rigging – received 212 pound of fresh beef – Caulkers & joiners employed on board – served fresh beef

Saturday 16th First part fresh Gale and fair weather – middle & latter parts moderate breezes – Sailmakers as yesterday Caulkers on board – People as yesterday about the rigging – sent plants on shore – served fresh beef Carpenters painting the Cabin

Sunday 17th Moderate breezes and fine weather all these 24 hours – PM employed scraping the quick work &c – Caulkers on board – Sailmakers as before – AM washed below – received fresh Beef 214 pound – & a turn of water per Launch

Monday 18th Moderate breeze & fine weather these 24 hours – AM employed starting water – Sailmakers as before and Caulkers – served fresh Beef – Carpenters painting – received water per Launch from Yard

Tuesday 19th Moderate breeze & fine weather with showers at times – Caulkers employed on board – Received a turn of water per own Launch & one per Yard Launch – employed starting the old water & stowing the fore hold – received 214 fresh beef & served it to the crew – Sailmakers as before – Sailed H. M. S. Fly

Wednesday 20th Moderate breezes and fine weather – Caulkers employed on board – Sailmakers as before – Employed on board starting old water & taking in new, per own Launch & one from ye Yard – held a Survey per order Commodore Ford & condemned a Fore & Main Top Sail a Fore Sail – Served fresh Beef to the Ships company

Thursday 21 Moderate breezes and fine weather – Sailmakers as before – employed stowing the Fore hold, received water as before – Carpenters painting the stern – served fresh Beef

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