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Revised Sep 9, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Mar 22-27, 1793

[H M S Providence – Moored in Port Royal Harbour] Jamaica – 1793


Friday 22d First part moderate breeze and fine weather – middle & latter part light breezes – Sailmakers as yesterday Carpenters employed on board – People employed stowing the after hold, scraping the upper deck & painting Ship – received 107 pound fresh Beef & served it to the Ships Company

Saturday 23d Light breezes and fine weather – PM Received 4 Tons of Sand Ballast per Launch – Sailmakers at the Yard – AM employed painting Ship – received 107 pound fresh beef – Carpenters from the yard employed on board – Washed all the decks

Sunday 24th First part fresh breezes and hazy weather – middle part moderate breezes and fair weather – latter part gh breeze and hazy – PM employed painting ship – Sailmakers as before, and carpenters – AM cleaned Ship – Received 107 pound fresh beef – Mustered Ships company in divisions
Ships Draught of Water Abaft 15 Feet.. 6 Inches Forward 15.. 3

Monday 25th First part fresh breezes with haze, middle & latter part moderate breezes and fair – employed as yesterday – Received 107 pound fresh Beef, & served it to the ships Company

Tuesday 26th First part fresh breezes with haze – middle & latter parts moderate breezes & fair – Employed as yesterday – Received 107 pound of beef and served it to the Ships company – Received a turn of water per Launch – sent John Letbie Quarter Master & Richard Brin Seaman to the Hospital – compleated our water

Wednesday 27th First part fresh breezes and fair weather middle & latter parts moderate breeze & cloudy – PM Carpenters employed painting – Sailmakers at the Yard – sent the Launch to Greenwich with the condemned Sails – Washed the Gun, Orlop & cockpit decks – sent the Observatory on shore per Launch – Received 107 pound of fresh beef – Served it to the Ships Company – Anchored here H M Sloop of War Serpent from the Bahama Islands

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