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Revised Sep 9, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Mar 10-14, 1793

[H M Ship Providence – moored in Port Royal Harbour] Jamaica – 1793


Sunday 10th Moderate breezes and fine weather – PM returned an anchor to the Yard – People employed washing & mending their cloaths – AM received powder from the Tent per Large cutter – Received 207 pound of fresh Beef – washed below

Monday 11th First part fresh breezes and fair weather middle & latter part moderate breezes – PM unbent Sails – aM Caulkers and joiners employed on board – Struck the Top Gallant Masts Fore Top Mast & Fore Yard to over haul the rigging – Sailed the Prince William Henry packet for England – Sent the Launch and cutter to Kingston to transport part of the 20th Regiment to Port Royal – sent the Sails on shore to repair

Tuesday 12th First and latter part fresh breezes and fine weather – middle part moderate breezes – PM Received Powder per Launch & large cutter – AM employed overhauling the Rigging, scraping the starboard side & stowing the Spirit Room – Struck the Gunners Tent – received 95 pound of fresh beef – Answered the Signal for a Petty Officer – served fresh Beef – received on board 36 Bags of bread 112 Casks – 3 Kegs of Salt 316 pound

Wednesday 13th First and latter parts fresh breezes and fine weather middle part moderate breezes – PM Swayed up the Fore Top Mast – People employed about the Rigging & scraping the larboard side – AM Employed as before in the Spirit room – Received a turn of water per Launch – Caulkers on the larboard side and in the Cabbin – Sailmakers & Armourers & Joiners employed at the Yard – Received beef & served it to the Ships Company

Thursday 14th Moderate breezes and fine weather – AM Caulkers employed on board – People employed overhauling the rigging & blacking the Yards – got an anchor from the Yard – Sailmakers employed there – served fresh Beef

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