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Revised Sep 9, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Mar 5-9, 1793

H M Ship Providence – moored in Port Royal Harbour [Jamaica – 1793]

Remarks &c

March 1793

Tuesday 5th First and latter part moderate breezes & fair weather – middle part calm – at ¼ past 3 in steering Sails – at ½ past abreast of Smith, & Gun Keys – at 3..45 brought up with the Best Bower port Royal – furled Sails – Out boats and run out a Kedge; weighed the Bower & warped further in shore – let go the best bower in 8½ fathoms water – veered to ½ a Cable & moored with the stream – Fort St. Augustine N19°W Gallows Point N38°East Port Royal Steeple S41°East distant ¼ of a mile. Port Royal Point S10°W – Got the small Sails out of the Tops & unbent the steering Sails – AM Caulkers employed on board from the Yard – People in the Main hold – Sailmakers on the pinnaces awning – Returned the broken bower Anchor to the Yard – Received 215 pound of fresh beef & served it to the Ships Company – found lying here H M Ships Europa, Penelope, Proserpine, Hyana, Fly, Assistant Brig & Advice cutter

Wednesday 6th Moderate breeze and fine weather – PM employed stowing the Main hold – AM employed in the after hold – Served fresh Beef Caulkers & the carpenters crew caulking the Sides, sent spars, Sails &c &c on shore and built a tent for the Gunner at Gallows point

Thursday 7th First part moderate breeze & fine weather – middle part light breeze – latter part fresh breezes – Employed stowing the Main and after holds – Caulkers & Joiners employed on board – received fresh beef, served it to the crew – received water – Aent powder on shore to dry per Launch – received fresh beef

Friday 8th First and middle part fresh breezes & cloudy – latter part fresh breezes with showers of rain – PM Caulkers employed on board People stowing the after hold – AM received an anchor from Greenwich per Launch sent it to the Yard to get stocked – at 10 unmoored Ship sent powder on shore per Large cutter – Ships Company fresh Beef

Saturday 9th First part fresh breezes and cloudy weather – middle & latter parts moderate breezes & fine weather – at 2 PM let go the Best Bower in 9 fathom muddy bottom – veered away and moored Ship SE & NW in a Bow & Quarter Line with the Squadron – Small Bower to the NW in 9 fathoms Fort Augusta NbW Gallows point N65E ¾ of a mile – Port Royal Steeple S45E Port Royal Point S5E ¾ of a mile – AM loosed Sails to dry – received fresh Beef 110 pound & served it to the Ships company – furled Sails – received 1 Ton of Ballast per Launch

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