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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jan 10, 1793

[H M S Providence from St Helena Islands towards] St. Vincents in the West Indies – 1793

Remarks Thursday January 10th

 1 pm: Moderate breeze and thick rainy weather with Squalls at times & heavy showers – made & shortened sail as necessary

 4 pm: Fresh Breezes and dark cloudy weather with small Rain

 6 pm: Worked the Pumps

 8 pm: Light breezes & cloudy

10 pm: Squally with a light shower – in Spanker

12 mid: Moderate breeze & cloudy weather

 2 am: Squally with Rain in Top Gallant & Steering Sails

 3 am: More moderate, set Top Gallant Sails Lower, & Fore Top Mast Steering Sails – at 4 cloudy weather – Saw two Dolphin

 6 am: Served the customary breakfast – at 8 fresh Breezes and cloudy set the Larboard Steering Sails Cleaned below & aired with fires – exercised the great Guns – Marines at small Arms firing – Sailmaker repairing the Mizen – at 11 squally with some Rain – shortened Sail – at ½ past in 1st Reefs and made sail again – set the Starboard Fore Top Mast Steering Sail
   Latitude by an indifferent Observation 1°..59′ North

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