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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Oct 13, 1792

H M Ship Providence from Timor towards [St. Helena – 1792]

Remarks Saturday October 13th

 1 pm: Light breezes and fair weather – out whale boat and sent her for Lieutenant Portlock

 4 pm: Fitted and set the driver & Spritsail Top Sail

 6 pm: The Whale boat returned with Mr. Portlock – hoisted her in – worked the Pumps

 8 pm: Light airs and fair weather – heavy dew falling

 5 am: Saw a Tropic bird

 8 am: Light breezes and fine weather – aired Ship with fires – Up all Chests &c &c – washed the Gun orlop & Cockpit decks – Sluiced wet the beams & of the Gun decks and destroyed many Cockroaches Saw Porpoises and quantities of brown Scum – Served fresh Beef – Sailmaker making a Hose and repairing the Main Deck awning

12 noon: At Noon light breeze & fine weather – Assistant in Company – Swell from the SW
   Latitude Observed 11°..10′ South

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