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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Oct 12, 1792

[H M Ship Providence from Timor towards] St. Helena – 1792

Friday October 12th

 1 pm: Light breezes and fair weather

 3 pm: A [?] set towards the Land – at 4 extremes of Savu from S25°E 6 or 7 Leagues to S40°E 4 or 5 Leagues – Island to the west of Savu from S29°E 3 or 4 Leagues to SbE off shore 6 or 7 Miles

 5 pm: at 5 a breeze opening up fresh – a swell fromn the SW – at Sunset Island Savu EBS½Squall 8 or 9 Leagues – Island to the west of it S50°E to S62°E about 6 Leagues – In 1st Reefs and steering Sails – worked the Pumps

12 mid: Heavy dew falling – Gunner in the Magazine – Moderate breeze and fair weather

 4 am: Light airs and fair weather

 5 am: Out Reefs and made all possible Sail

 6 am: Swell from SW Quarter

 8 am: Light breezes and fine weather – cleaned below & aired with fires – Saw a branch of a Tree, Sea Weed, a Boobie and fish at a distance – Employed fitting the Spritsail Top Sail & Driver Read the articles of War & punished George Thompson with 12 Lashes for insolence & neglect of duty – Served fresh beef & supplied the Assistant with 30 pound – At Noon light breeze and fine weather
   Latitude Observed 11..11 South

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