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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Sep 11, 1792

H M Ship Providence from Otaheite towards Timor – 1792

Tuesday September 11th

 1 pm: Fresh breezes and fair weather – several Canoes full of People about the Assistant – soon after noon she made the Signal for Assistance – Observed Muskets to be fired from our cutter near the Assistant – Fired several great guns and Muskets at eight Canoes that were about the two vessels and Boats – Saw the Indians out of some of the canoes swimming while others remained hid in their bottoms – Several Balls were heard to [? ?] and one four pounder loaded with grape [?] great effect and drove the natives from her into the Sea, save one Man who we observed to be wounded – probably others were mortally so, in her bottom – They now made off as fast as they were able, but during the fray a few arrows were discharged at the Providence without effect – We soon after observed two Canoes [?] and [?] the [? ?] when they all set sail for the Island P when we observed a great smoke and on our nearer approach numbers of Natives on the Beach

 4 pm: At 4 came too with the small Bower in 10 fathoms coarse coral sand and veered to ½ a Cable – Lieutenant Portlock came on board when we heard that three of the Assistants Men had been wounded by the arrows of the natives, numbers of which were found on board – it appeared that without any provocation the natives had discharged a volley of arrows at her, which was the occasion of her making the Signal for Assistance – While this [?] took place with the Assistant, some of the Larger Canoes (in one there was 21 People) were within hail of us, seemingly making signs of friendship and good intentions but we were soon under the necessity of driving them away
Bearings when anchor O S14°W to S70°E about 1½ Mile – Island P N61°W – Turtle Back Island S56°W about 3 Miles – An Island just open with the west point of O S14°W 10 or 12 Miles – The Cap S86°W The ([?]) Brothers N80°W 5 Leagues – at ½ past 4 PM veered to a whole Cable – down Top Gallant Yards and in Boats – at 11 PM hove in to ½ a Cable at 6 AM moderate breeze and fine weather – out Boats and up Top Gallant Yards – at 9..30 weighed Assistant and Boats leading at 10..50 a high lump of an Island called Q N43W The Cap S58°W

12 noon: At Noon moderate and fine weather – Q N34°W 5 Leagues Brothers S77°W 4 Miles – Cap S9°W 5 miles – Turtle back Island S19°E 3 leagues O SEbE¼E about 6 Leagues –
   Latitude Observed 9°..43′..42″ South

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