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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Sep 12, 1792

[H M Ship Providence from Otaheite towards Timor – 1792]

Wednesday September 12th

 1 pm: Moderate breeze and fine weather at 12..25 brought up with the small Bower in 7½ fathoms soft ground Turtle Back Island S18°E to S23°E 3 or 4 Leagues – Twins S51°W to S65°W 3 miles High Hill called R S39°W Cap S2°E 4 Miles – Q N33°W – Dry sand from N64°W to N68°.30′W 2 or 3 miles – Low Land from NBW to NWBN sent the 2d Lieutenant & Master in the Whale boat and cutter to examine for a passage – at 5 the Boats returned with good tidings of a passage being there

 6 pm: In Boats and down Top Gallant Yards

 7 pm: On the Twins we saw Eleven natives and 5 or 6 hutts – The natives waved branches and seemed anxious for us to land – In the Course of this day large flocks of land birds were seen about the size of a lark and of a beautiful plumage – We saw them afterwards [?] [?] the [?]

 3 am: At Day light out Boats – breakfasted at 6 OClock a gruel as usually made on board – Up Top Gallant Yards

 7 am: Moderate breeze and fair weather – at 7..36 weighed under double reefed Top Sails – Assistant and boats making soundings Signals &c and leading –

 8 am: at 8..50 The Twins bore South – at 9..50 Saw land in the WBN made the Signal to the Assistant – Saw many birds, fish and several water snakes – At 10..50 saw a sand Bank & high land bearing SW made the Signal for it

11 am: at 11..05 The Large cutter and the Assistant made the Signal to anchor – brought up with the small Bower in 6¾ fathoms coarse coral sand – The Twins S64°E to S71°E about 4 Leagues Cap S63°E Q N27°E – An Island R S17°W 9 Leagues U S44W 7 Leagues – An Island T N37°W Shoal from SbE to SWbW a dry bank – others West & NNW

12 noon: Moderate and fair
   Latitude Observed 9°..40′..33″ South

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