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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Sep 10, 1792

H M Ship Providence from Otaheite towards Timor – 1792

Monday September 10th

 1 pm: Fresh breezes and fair weather – out 3d Reefs – at ½ past Noon made Signal to prepare to anchor – at 11..25 the Signal to denote danger, hauled to the wind on the Starboard Tack – Saw a Bank (Dungeness)

 2 pm: At 20 minutes past 2 The Assistant made the Signal that we might follow without danger – Boats & her sounding and making Signals – Bore up – run along Dungeness Reef at about a mile distance in 14 or 15 fathoms at 3..20 brought up with the small Bower in 17 fathoms hard Ground – Sent the Boats to leeward to sound – A Canoe came under the Stern but on the Boats putting off, set sail for the Island P – When at anchor Island O from S87°W to N70°W about 3 miles – Turtle Back Isle S77W P N8°W – Extremes of Dungeness Shoal from S½W to S58°E at 7 the Boats returned – Struck Top Gallant Masts and got the Sheet anchor over the side and cable bent veered to a whole Cable Service – Strong breezes and dark cloudy weather – at 11..30 the cutter returned having been detained at a Grapnel from the Strength of the Tide and wind – hoisted her in and hove to a half cable Service

 4 am: at 4 – veered to a whole cable

 7 am: Served the usual Breakfast – Portable Soup Thickened with oatmeal for dinner – cleaned below – up Top Gallant Masts and out Boats – Two Canoes were about Dungeness shoal the whole morning waving and making Signs but they did not venture near us – others were fishing on the Reef of P – Turtle were seen about the Reef by our boats – and on the dry parts various kinds of Sea fowl

11 am: At 11..30 Tide began to set to the Eastward

12 noon: Fresh Breezes and fair weather weighed Assistant and boats leading – The Canoes that were fishing on P Reef under sail coming towards us
   No Observation taken

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