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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Sep 9, 1792

[H M S Providence from Otaheite to Timor 1792]

Sunday 9th September

 1 pm: Strong Breezes and fair weather – sent the boats to leeward to wound – Employed in the Fore hold getting water to hand

 4 pm: Saw huts a little within the beach, but no natives till towards sunset when about 40 came round the south point where the cutter had veen swounding and waved us to land – "I was sent with Mr. Guthrie in two boats armed, carrying with us Iron nails &c & in hopes of [?] their good will – On our first seeing them they were armed with bows and arrows but on our [?] approach the natives laid them by without any signs of timidity, wading in the water both men & women to the boats & bringing a kind of date which they bartered as well as their [?] & other ornaments for Iron which they seemed acquainted with – The Men were perfectly naked, but the somen wore an apron made of rushes which encircled their waist and reached to the Knees – One of the Natives brought water in a shell but our hurry prevented its being tasted –"

 9 am: At Day light out Boats – served the usual breakfast – at 30 minutes past 8 weighed and stood to the Southward The Brig and boats leading and making sounding Signals &c

12 noon: At Noon strong breezes and fair weather N S54°E distant 3 miles – O S74°W 3 Leagues A Tolerably high Island on with O seen from the Mast Head called Q P N86°W
   Latitude Observed 9°..47′..30″ South
A Number of natives put off in a Canoe just before we got under weigh – The Ship left the Island so fast that we had the mortification of seeing them put back without a visit.

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