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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jun 25-27, 1792

[H M S Providence Moored in Matavai Bay] Otaheite

June 25-27 1792

Monday 25First part fresh breezes and squally with dark cloudy weather at times – middle part moderate breeze with light drizling rain – latter part fresh gale and fair weather – A Strong Gale from the Eastward all these 24 Hours at Sea with thick haze – PM the large cutter returned from the post, having been repaired at 5 AM Sent the large cutter armed to Tettaha with an Officer and [?] – Armourer working at the Forge – sailmaker repairing teh small Sails – Carpenters employed fitting the ports and sawing plank – Sent part of the peoples chests on shore to cleanse them from Cockroaches – Served fresh pork plantains &c – and received a moderate supply

Tuesday 26 Fresh breezes and cloudy at times all these 24 hours – a Fresh Gale from the Eastward at Sea with thich haze – The Cutter returned rom Tettaha – AM sent more of the peoples chests & cloaths on shore to free them from cockroaches – People employed washing the ship with boiling water for the same purpose – Sailmaker repairing the studding Sails – Carpenters employed lining the Ports – served fresh pork plantains &c – and red a moderate supply

Wednesday 27 Moderate breeze and cloudy at times all these 24 Hours – fresh breeze at Sea and dark cloudy weather with haze all these 24 Hours – AM Sent more of the peoples chests on shore to cleanse from Cock roaches – Carpenters employed lining the Ports, and Top Gallant a whale Boat (for our own use) that belonged to the Ship Matilda wrecked some months ago on an Island in these Seas. After the loss of the Ship, the Crew arrived at Otaheite in this boat. – Sailmaker repairing The Launches Sails – people employed cleaning between Decks to wash with boiling water and making a Sky light netting – Served fresh Pork &c – and received a moderate supply

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