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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jun 22-24, 1792

H M S Providence Moored in Matavai Bay [Otaheite]

June 22-24 1792

Friday 22 Fresh breezes and fair weather all these 24 Hours – a Strong breeze from the Eastward in the offing – AM Sent the wooding party on shore Carpenters employed painting, & lining the ports – Sailmaker about covers for the plant house – people making mats &c – served fresh pork plantains &c – Received a moderate supply

Saturday 23d First part moderate breeze and fair weather – middle part light airs and fair weather – Latter part fresh breezes and fair weather – A Fresh breeze from the Eastward all these 24 hours in the Offing – AM the wooding party went on shore – Sent a quantity of powder on shore to be dried – Sailmaker employed repairing the small Sails – carpenters lining the ports – cooper repairing Casks – washed and cleaned the Ship fore and aft – served fresh pork plantains and cocoa nutts, and received a moderate supply

Sunday 24 First and middle part moderate breeze and fair weather – latter part fresh breezes – received the Mizen and two Main Top Gallant Steering Sails from the Tent – Got off the Powder – The Sailmaker employed repairing the small Sails – Carpenters lining and chincing [chinking] the ports – Cooper repairing casks – people washing aand mending cloaths – AM sent a party to haul the Seine – The party returned with 90 pounds of fish – Mustered the ships company in divisions after which Captain Bligh read prayers to them – A Party on leave as usual – Served fish, fresh Pork plantains & received a moderate supply

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