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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jun 17-21, 1792

[H M S Providence Moored in Matavai Bay] Otaheite

June 17-21 1792

Sunday 17th Light breezes and fair weather all these 24 Hours – PM people washing and mending cloaths – Carpenters painting the Stern and cutting scuttles in the cabin ports – Sailmaker repairing the mizen topsail – AM Sent a party in the Launch to haul the Seine – The party returned without any fish – Cleaned below – mustered in divisions and performed divine service – served fresh pork plantains &c and received a moderate supply – a party on Leave

Monday 18th Moderate breezes and fine weather all these 24 hours. AM Sent the wooding party on shore – received water per Launch – people employed scraping the sides – Sailmakers making covers for the plant houses abaft – Carpenters painting the Stern and grinding paint – Served fresh pork and plantains – received a moderate supply

Tuesday 19th First part light breezes and cloudy, middle and latter part light breezes and fair weather – AM sent the wooding party on shore – sailmaker employed about covers for the plant house Carpenters painting the sides – Armourer working at the forge – Washed and cleaned Ship – Served fresh pork & plantains – Received a moderate supply

Wednesday 20th Light breeze and fine weather all these 24 Hours – AM Sent the wooding party on shore – Carpenters cutting scuttles in the cabin ports to admit more light to the plants – & painting the ship – Armourer at the forge – sailmaker about covers for the plant house – Boats sounding the bay – Aired the Cartridges – served fresh pork &c and received a plentifull supply

Thursday 21st First and middle part light breeze and fair weather – latter part fresh breeze – a strong breeze from the Eastward in the Offing – PM Carpenters employed blacking the bends, and cutting scuttles in the cabin ports, painting ship &c – Armourer working at the forge – Boats sounding the Bay – AM Sent the wooding party on shore – Sailmakers making covers for the plant houses – Carpenters painting the Sides – people making Mats &c – Received a moderate supply of pigs and fruit – Gunner employed airing and repairing cartridges – served fresh pork &c to the Ships Company

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