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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jun 14-16, 1792

H M S Providence Moored in Matavai Bay [Otaheite]

June 14-16 1792

Thursday 14 First part moderate and cloudy weather – middle part light airs and cloudy – latter part Light Airs and calms – AM sent the wooding party on shore – Carpenters employed repairing the cutter, breaming the bends & lining the ports – Armourer working at the forge – Sailmaker repairing the Mizen – The people about the rigging – Served fresh Pork plantains and cocoa nutts – received a moderate supply of fruit, but no Pigs

Friday 15 First part light breezes and fair weather – middle part calm – latter light breezes – a swell from the westward – people employed making a net to cover the Skylight – Carpenters painting the Ship – Armourer working at the Forge, Sailmaker repairing the Mizen Top Sail Sent the wooding party on shore – Received the Mizen Main Top Gallant Sail and Top Gallant Staysail from the post – sent the Mizen Top Sail to be repaired Served fresh Pork &c and received a moderate supply – cleaned Ship fore and aft

Saturday 16 First part moderate breeze and fair weather – middle and latter part light Airs – A party on shore cutting wood – AM Employed scraping the sides – carpenters grinding paint & painting the Sides, and cutting scuttles in the Cabin ports – The Boats sounding on, and about the Dolphin Bank – Armourer working at the forge – Sailmaker repairing the Mizen Top Sail – received fresh pork plantains &c – and red a plentifull supply of Pigs and fruit

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