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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jun 2-6, 1792

[H M S Providence Moored in Matavai Bay] Otaheite

June 2-6 1792

Saturday 2d First part moderate breeze and fair weather – middle part light breezes – latter part fresh breeze – Sent the Jolly boat to Oparre for Provisions – She returned with a few Pigs, and a Goat – People employed blacking and Tarring the rigging – Armourer at the forge – Sailmaker repairing the Main Sail Carpenters sawing plank – Washed below and aired Ship with fires – sent a [?] Barrel [?] spars and the Launches Sails on shore – Received water per Small Cutter – Served Pork &c and received a plentifull Supply [?]

Sunday 3d First part fresh Breezes and fair weather – middle part Light Airs latter part fresh breeze PM peo0ple employed washing and mending cloaths – Served Tobacco to the Ships Company AM Swayed up the Top Gallant Masts – Cleaned below – Mustered in Divisions after which Captain Bligh read prayers to the Ships Company – Read the Articles of War and abstract to the Ships Company – Served fresh Pork Tarro & plantains as usual & received a very moderate Supply of pigs &c – A Party on leave as usual

Monday 4th First part fresh breezes and fine weather – middle & latter part light breezes and fine clear weather – AM Dressed the Ship with Colours – Cleaned below Served Grog to the Ships Company fresh Pork Tarro &c received a very moderate supply

Tuesday 5 First and middle part light breeze and fine weather – latter part moderate breeze and cloudy – Fired a royal Salute in Honor of His Majestys Birth Day and let off fireworks at the Port AM received water per small cutter sent a party to haul the Seine, who returned with 150 pounds of fish – Received the Mainsail – sent the Jib and Main Top Mast Staysail on shore to be repaird – Got the Launch on board, and sent the Cutter on shore to be repaird – Armourer working at the Forge – Carpenters fitting a railing round the sky light – & repairing the Cutter – Served fresh Pork and fish to part of the Ships Company – Received a very moderate Supply

Wednesday 6th First and middle part light breezes and fine clear weather – latter part moderate breezes – AM Manned the Assistants Launch and sent her to Tettaha for provisions – Carpenters employed repairing the Cutter and about the Sky lights railing – Armourer working at the Forge Sailmaker repairing the Jib – People under the Boatswain – washed below and aired with fires – received a plentifull supply of pigs & cocoa nutts Served fresh pork Tarro &c

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