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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook May 30-Jun 1, 1792

H M S Providence Moored in Matavai Bay [Otaheite]

May 30-Jun 1 1792

Wednesday 30th Light breezes and fine weather all these 24 Hours – a moderate breeze from the Eastward in the Offing – rigged the Fore Top Gallant Mast – Armourer working at the Forge – smr repairing the Foresail – Carpenters making an Arm Chest and working at the Launch – mended the Service on the small Bower Cable, Set up the Stove in the Fore Cockpit to air below – cleaned Ship – people about the rigging – Served fresh Pork plantains &c to the Ships Company and received a very moderate Supply – [?] fresh very scarce

Thursday 31 First and middle part light breezes and fair weather – latter part moderate breezes – PM Struck the Main Top Mast, new bolted the Cross Trees and swayed it up again – AM people employed blacking the Yards, Mast heads &c and Tarring down the rigging – unbent the Mizen Topsail Received the Foresail from the Tent – Sent the small Cutter to Oparre to trade for Provisions Carpenters making an Arm Chest, and at the Launch – Armourer working at the forge – Served fresh Pork &c received a moderate supply of Pigs and a few Cocoa Nutts – Aired Ship with fires

June  Friday 1 Moderate breezes and clear weather all these 24 Hours The Cutter returned with plantains Tarra &c – People employed blacking the tarring the rigging Sent a party to haul the Seine, they returned with few fish – Armourer working at the Forge – Carpenters painting the Launch and sawing Planks for the Green houses – Sailmaker repairing the Main Sail – Cleaned below and aired with fires – Served fresh Pork plantains and cocoa Nutts and received a very moderate supply of pigs &c Part of the Carpenters Crew returned from the Tent

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