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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Mar 27, 1792

[H M S Providence from Adventure Bay Van] Diemens Land towards Otaheite – 1792

Tuesday March 27th

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes and thick Squally weather with Rain and a great head Sea

 3 pm: cloudy in 3d Reef Fore Top Sail

 4 pm: Fresh Gales and Squally, close reefed the Main and handed the Fore and Mizen Top Sails – got doen the Fore Top Gallant Yard

 7 pm: Worked the Pumps as usual

 8 pm: Fresh Gales and cloudy

 9 pm: A Fire in the Gally to air Ship

10 pm: Frequent Flashes of Lightning in the SW

12 mid: Fresh Breezes and fair weather – Too Great a Sea to make more Sail

 3 am: Lightning in the NE Quarter

 6 am: Fresh Breezes and fine weather – set the Fore & Mizen Top Sails – out all Reefs Main & Mizen and 2d Fore Top Sail set the Lower and Fore Top Mast Steering Sail – Thick portable Soup Gruel for Breakfast at 8 out 1st Reef Fore Top Sail, up Top Gallant Yards and set the Sails – Cleaned below and aired with fires

11 am: Krout and wort as usual
Exercised Great Guns, and Marines at [?] firing – Sailmaker repairing the Fore Top Sail Carpenters at the Launch – People making plats, Points &c – at Noon moderate Breeze and fine weather Assistant in Company Broached a puncheon of Spruce Beer – Saw some Sheerwaters
   Latitude Observed 34°..30′ South

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