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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Mar 26, 1792

H M S Providence from Adventure Bay Van [Diemens Land towards Otaheite – 1792]

Monday March 26th

 1 pm: Light Breezes and fair weather Swell from the SW

 3 pm: Saw several Sheerwaters and a few Albatrosses

 5 pm: Worked the Pumps as usual

 7 pm: In 1st Reefs

 9 pm: Light Breezes and cloudy

10 pm: A Fire in the Galley all night

12 mid: Moderate Breeze and cloudy weather

 3 am: Squally in Top Gallant Sails

 4 am: Fresh Breezes and cloudy

 6 am: The People had thick portable Soup Gruel for Breakfast

 8 am: Fresh Breeze and dark cloudy weather

 9 am: Cleaned below and aired with the Stoves

10 am: Krout and wort as usual and Bore cole & Portable Soup thickened with oatmeal for dinner – at 10 Rain in 2d Reefs of the Topsails – down Main Top Gallant Yard – Served the weekly allowance of Vinegar to the Crew – Carried away the Jib Guy – down Jib and refitted it – Rain at times

12 noon: At Noon Thick Squally weather Assistant in Company
No Observation

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