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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Feb 12-13, 1792

[H M Ship Providence Moored in Adventure Bay] Van Diemens Land – 1792

Sunday February 12th 1792

 1 pm: Squally with flying showers at times

 3 pm: Moderate and fine weather The Launch returned with the tenth part of a load of wood

 5 pm: Received the first turn of water per Launch

 7 pm: Received the second turn of water per Launch

12 mid: Cloudy and cold Air

 5 am: Light breezes and cloudy, received the first turn of wood per large Cutter, sent the Wooders, waterers &c &c on shore

 8 am: Employed filling water in the fore hold and stowing wood in the Main – Received the third turn of water per Launch – Served Krout – Received the second turn of wood per Large Cutter – Moderate and cloudy loosed sails to dry – Received the fourth turn of water per Launch

Monday February 13th 1792

 1 pm: Moderate and fair weather – sent the Cutter with the Seine – handed Sails – employed filling the third turn of water in the fore hold – Received the third turn of wood per Large Cutter, and first turn of wood per Small Cutter

 5 pm: Received the fith turn of water per Launch

 6 pm: Received the fourth turn of wood per Large Cutter

 8 pm: Received some wood and brooms per Launch

 9 pm: Light breezes and clear weather

12 mid: Light dew and very cold Air

 6 am: Sent the wooders and waterers on shore as usual

 7 am: Served portable Soup and Thick Gruel for breakfast

 8 am: Received the Sixth turn of water per Launch and second turn of wood per Small Cutter – Received the fifth turn of wood per Large Cutter – Aired the small Sails –

12 noon: Loosed the Courses to dry – Received the sixth turn of wood per Large cutter and seventh turn of Water per Launch – Moderate and cloudy, an increasing surf from the beach

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