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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Feb 10-11, 1792

H M Ship Providence Moored in Adventure Bay [Van Diemens Land – 1792]

Friday February 10th

 1 pm: Light Airs and dark cloudy sky to the Southward

 2 pm: A Thick fog about the Hills – The People had the Afternoon to themselves – Cutter returned from fishing with about 112 pounds of but indifferent fish

 8 pm: Moderate and hazy

12 mid: Small rain

 4 am: Very Rainy weather which prevented the wooding party from going on shore, until 11 oClock

 7 am: Served a hot breakfast of Burgoo & portable Soup – Light Airs, cloudy and rain – sent parties to haul the seine and cut wood – Cutter returned but met with little Success – Aired the small Sails – Squally hauled down the small Sails – Employed cleaning the fore hold – The Weather very squally with showers – The People caught a few fish with hook and line chiefly a small kind of Red Cod and small Sharks

Saturday February 11th

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes and squally with Rain

 4 pm: Employed in the Fore Hold

 5 pm: Cloudy received the first turn of Wood per Launch

 7 pm: Moderate and cloudy weather

 9 pm: Strong Gales, down Lower Yards and Top Gallant Masts Bent the Sheet Cable and got the Anchor over the side

12 mid: Strong Gusts of Wind with Showers, many small Red Cod were caught with hooks and lines

 4 am: More moderate and cloudy, sent the Launch on shore for wood and small Cutter for Grass

 8 am: Squally at times sent the party to cut wood

 9 am: Received second turn of wood per Launch

10 am: Sent the Launch with empty Casks to the Watering place – Aired the Staysails

12 noon: Moderate and cloudy with Squalls of Wind

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