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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Feb 9, 1792

[H M Ship Providence from Table Bay Cape of Good Hope] towards Adventure Bay Van Diemens Land in 1792

Thursday February 9th 1792

 1 pm: Light Airs and calms at intervals sounded in 7½ fathom fine Sand Mewstone S84°W South Cape N12°E Swilly Rock S48° East

 3 pm: Saw fires about the Low Land of Storm Bay

 4 pm: Cloudy. Mewstone N88°E Swilly S19° East Edistone S28°E 3 Leagues, Cockscomb Land shut in with the high peaked Mountain N49°W at 6 Tasmans Head N18°E 2 Leagues South Cape S83°W

 6 pm: Fresh Breezes and cloudy weather saw a great number of Gannets, some Albatrosses, Sea Gulls, Silver Birds, Sheerwaters of different kinds and a number of Birds of the Shag kind, with white Breasts – a few Porpoises and some Rock weed – at 7 Fluted Cape N9°E 3 Leagues, Fryers N56W – at 8 Fryers WBN Fluted Cape N5°W

10 pm: Fluted Cape NW – Small Rain

12 mid: AM – Tacking Ship occasionally, very unsettled weather

 1 am: Cape Frederick Henry NNW

 4 am: Light Airs sounded in 34 fathoms fine sand

 6 am: Out Boats and sent them a head to Tow – at 7 Handed Sails and came too in Adventure Bay with the small Bower in 9 Fathoms Water fine sandy bottom, veered away and moored Ship a Cable on the small Bower and ½ Cable on the Best The Small Bower to the Southward, and the Best Bower to the Northward – Hoisted out the Launch – When moored Penguin Island N64°East Cape Frederick Henry N45° East West End of the Beach West about ½ Mile distant – Sent the Cutter with a party to haul the Seine – at Noon, Variable weather Light Airs – Very cool – Assistant in Company

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